Components of cannabis and effect on the brain

Cannabis is one of the plants with psychoactive features. Its scientific name is Cannabis sativaIt has various names according to different people and locality. The plant’s flowers and fruits are harvested and dried to make drugs for different purpose. The plant also has some relationship with the mental system. Its relation with the memory system may be positive or negative depending on the intended purpose. Memory is also one of the brain systems that encodes, store and retrieve information. The relationship between the two are discussed below. 

Components of cannabis and effect on the brain

The major chemical ingredients includes Tetrahydrocannabinol, tetrahydrocannabivarin, cannabinol and cannabidiol. These chemicals have some effects as well as behavior in the brain. 

  • Tetrahydrocannabinol 

It stimulates cells found in the central nervous system (brain) and releases dopamine thus create euphoria. Interfere with the way information in the hippocampus is processed. Also induces hallucination thus alters with thinking and result into delusions. 

  • Risk associated with tetrahydrocannabinol 

Alters motor skills; this effect may occur 3 hours after use. Therefore, its advisable to take sometimes after use having rest in order to work successfully. 

  • Tetrahydrocannabivarin 

It has some effect on a particular nerve cell found in the central nervous system. It resembles tetrahydrocannabinol chemical although it may not have an effect on thinking. It is used in inflammation, diabetes, and relieving of pain. This chemical also reduces seizures, reaction to some foods and regulates emotions. 

  • Cannabinol and cannabidiol 

Cannabidiol prevents the breakdown of various chemicals in the central nervous system that would in turn have effect on pain, feelings as well as mental function. The preventing and increasing their level would help reduce symptoms of schizophrenia. This means that it can reduce pain as well as anxiety. 

  • Main function 

Seizure disorder; this is majorly on adult in conjunction with children. The other group may be those with syndrome of Sturge weber, genetic disorders and fires. 

  • Risk associated by cannabidiol 

Its quite unsafe with the pregnant women as well as breastfeeding. 

Liver diseases; its advisable that people with this health effect to take lower dose in comparison with a healthy person. 

Parkinson disease; this is where muscle movement as well as tremors worsen in a person because of high dose of cannabidiol. 

Effect on the memory 


  • Makes people feel good; it makes people feel over excited as it is reward system that result into euphoria feelings. 
  • Lowers Alzheimer’s disease progression; this is done by tetrahydrocannabinol chemical. It blocks the enzyme associated with amyloid plaques in the brain from being formed. 

 Negative effect 


The people with genetic vulnerability more so mental illness are likely to suffer from depression. This health problem may affect the mental ability of an individual thus altering their decision-making power. 

Mess of brain balance 

The chemical tetrahydrocannabinol may interfere with the cerebellum as well as basal ganglia as they are responsible for regulating balance, the posture, coordination in conjunction with reaction time. With such an interference, it results into individuals finding it hard to walk and talk correctly. 

Anxiety, distrust and fear. 

  The drug influences their brain set up thus driving away their attention 


When taken in a large does result into acute psychosis. There are various forms of psychosis that is hallucination, delusion and even lack of identity. 


Cannabis have some positive and negative effect to the memory system and thus regulation should be put in place to avoid long-term effect.  

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