How to Use Magic Mushrooms

Before we learn ways to consume magic mushrooms let us ask ourselves what these mushrooms are, and why call them magic. Magic mushrooms are also called psychedelics or sacred mushrooms. It is probably because they interfere with the part in the brain known for holiness or sanity. Also, their effects are like magic; a take and must flip meaning you must feel or see something like visions and images that may exist only in your imagery. In simple terms, you may start hallucinating.

The beauty of these emotional changes caused by the mushroom is that they are new each time; there is a renewal, each time is like no other, so each time will feel like a first. So, how do we consume magic mushrooms? To answer this question fully you must have a guide of expectations, and your psychological state at the time of consumption. 

Afterward, decide if dry or fresh. Fresh mushrooms are hard to find as their lifespan is short. So, your option is dried. Remember, magic mushrooms cannot be cooked due to the risk of losing some substance. Factors to consider before taking the dried mushroom are the quantity and your tolerance because as we have seen they possess psychoactive properties.

A certain quantity may have limited effects on one consumer but to another can make them go nuts. So what quantity is good for you? What is your tolerance capacity? The other factor is dosage; exact dosage I mean scaled and all. When these factors are clear, it is time to ask yourself how to consume the psychedelic. 


Chewing is one of the common ways to consume magic mushrooms. You need only take a piece of it and gently chew them well while swallowing. If crumbs remain drink water for easier gut passage. Also, use ginger or apple to ease the flavor. 

Make a shroom smoothie 

Take the measured quantity of the mushroom and mince it to powder, and put it in a container with a lid. Add fresh lemon, orange, or favorite juice into the jar cover it with the lid, and shake. Leave it for 20 to 25 minutes then shake again. The mixture is known as a Lemon Tek and when it’s uniform, drink it. Add some water into the jar to rinse then drink to drain it all in your gut. This method is good for first-timers as the acid in the juice suppresses nausea linked to the fungi. You can find great magic mushrooms to do this with in this link:


Another way to consume magic mushrooms is through edibles. Grind the fungi into powder and practice culinary skills. The common edible for shrooms is queen cakes or anything that is baked. This method is beneficial as you enjoy the magic without having to taste the mushroom taste. The effects of consuming it through edibles take longer to show but are vibrant when they finally get a kick in. 

In conclusion, there are several ways to consume magic mushrooms and all of them achieve the desired goal. The choice of the best way for you lies within you, but whichever way you choose remember the factors to consider stated above. 

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