Mushrooms are in the class of psychedelic substances, which leaves room for interpretation as to how much or little is safe for intake or legal, for that matter. This normalcy of microdosing involves ingesting sub-hallucinogenic qualities of a psychedelic substance (e.g., LSD, psilocybin), a practice that has recently grown in popularity.

Mushrooms have long been the staple of social media and internet forum discussion groups, and the trend seems like it is here to stay. Why? The self-medicating option available for any would-be person or group of people is growing exponentially.

From fitness enthusiasts to self-proclaimed alternative living gurus, you would be spoilt for choice when you search the term micro-dose mushrooms. The resources available on online video streaming services regarding this fascinating topic are mind-boggling. It is safe to say that more research is still required to study LSD and its effects.

Are micro-dose Mushrooms legal?

The quick answer here is that they are not legal because they contain a Class A substance known as psilocybin. However, human nature always veers toward the forbidden fruit, and this factor is evident in how so many lobbyists for micro-dose mushrooms worldwide exist.

This fact has given rise to the various uses people have found beneficial in using mushrooms.

Which Is The Best Psychedelic Mushrooms for Migraines

Migraines are the most uncomfortable headaches that anyone could experience in their lifetime. However, there is a sharp increase in the number of people experiencing this distress among the age groups between 10-30 years. Research published by the “International Journal of Pharmacy” in 2012 examined the effect of the Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma. Lucidium) 

It is worth noting that in no way does this imply that this article purports the use of this mushroom to avail such results but to inform you that it exists merely.

Does Micro-dose Mushroom Improve Well Being

This factor could be one of those questions which have a biased answer. Macrodose with Hey Sero, mushrooms have arguably improved the lives of many of their users. From white-collar job diehards to the ordinary individual who helps you pack your groceries at the mini-market. All have valid reasons for how and why they prefer to self-medicate using this naturally occurring herb.

Some pundits may infer that the mushroom has helped them with their work output, overall mood, and focus on life. 


Mushrooms or any psychedelic substance is a chance game you may play when you self-medicate– regardless of the dosage. However, research is being conducted to further help in the unmasking of the world and the benefits of mushrooms.

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